10 Emotional Stages Of Shopping In Primark

2. You Go Crazy Over All The Tiny Things On Your Queue To The Till

Wow! What are these tiny Coca-Cola, Sprite and Tango flavoured lip balms? You need them. In to the overflowing basket they go. Oh look, a shower hat shaped like Naala from The Lion King. And there's a Simba one too - your boyfriend will love that. Matching shower hats for all. Look at the variety of fake eye lashes they have on offer here in these fish-bowls. These one's are only a pound! They have Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry style eyelashes. Who are you, Cheryl or Katy? Should you ask the woman in the queue behind you? No, she might try to take them for herself. Oh well, might as well get a pair of both. And look - SO MUCH WRAPPING PAPER. I NEED THIS WRAPPING PAPER IN MY LIFE. IT'S GOT ONE DIRECTION ON IT. (Guess it's reduced since one of them left). AND THIS ONE'S COVERED IN HAPPY PUGS. MUST BUY THIS ONE TOO.
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).