10 Everyday Things You've Been Doing All Wrong

1. Drinking With A Straw

Soda can

This is a golden oldie, but it's one friends and family alike will use to herald you as the next Einstein once you tell them.

Ever noticed that little hole on your soft drink can's ring pull? It's there for a reason, and it's rarely ever used as intended. Most of us stick a straw straight in the can and merrily slurp away without thinking about it. That's not the right way to drink with a straw though. It turns out the straw is supposed to loop through that little hole.

Threading your straw through the tab at the top of the can means it'll be securely fastened with no chance of ending up on the floor. This leaves you free to swing the thing around and you won't even need to waste time holding the straw with your other hand. It also means one hand is free to do other things, like text a friend telling them how wonderful you are for unloading those cans into the fridge in a straight line earlier.

Have you been doing any of these things wrongly? Let us know your handy tips and tricks down in the comments section below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.