10 Everyday Things You've Been Doing All Wrong

2. Pouring Orange Juice

Why is it that orange juice spurts from the carton like blood from an open wound in that latest Hollywood blockbuster you just watched? What a rubbish design. There must be a simpler way to get that Vitamin C-laced drink from carton to glass without leaving half of it on the kitchen counter. There is.

Pouring your juice with the opening at the top makes it much easier to control, which means less splash and less time cleaning up sticky work surfaces. This probably has something to do with people just being clumsy, but it's more likely a case of logic. Gravity works by pulling things down, so pouring with most of the juice underneath the lip actually makes sense.

Go forth with confidence that your table won't get all orange and sticky. Pour that OJ knowing you are in command of exactly how much drips from the opening at all times. Fill up that glass evenly without fear of losing half a carton to science.

Or just buy a bottle.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.