10 Fascinating Facts About Twitter

8. Louis Tomlinson's Tweet To Harry Styles Was More Popular Than Obama's Election Victory

Speaking of the inconsequential nature of many of the messages posted on Twitter and the relevance (or should that really be irrelevance) of popular culture springs to mind. No other social media platform out there has the same reputation for hosting inane comments from celebrities. Obama's election victory, which ushered him into his second term, was one of the most popular tweets in the history of the service, and while you might expect the tweet which beat it to be related to something less significant, One Direction member Louis Tomlinson's tweet to Harry Styles really stands out for its ordinariness: "Always in my heart @Harry_Styles. Yours sincerely, Louis." The members of One Direction are no stranger to making headlines on account of their Twitter activity - unlike the tweet which pipped Obama in the favourited stakes, however, it's usually on account of yet another online spat.
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