10 Fascinating Facts About Twitter

7. Twitter Is Three Times As Popular In Saudi Arabia As It Is In America

When it comes to the country with the highest penetration of Twitter, the first place you'd expect it to succeed the most would be America. After all, Twitter is an American brand, while Americans themselves are large users of social media. Amazingly, when it comes to the country with the highest percentage of internet users active on Twitter, Saudi Arabia emerges out on top. In fact, according to data released in 2013 the Gulf state has a whopping 33% of active internet users tweeting at least once over the course of a month - three times the figure for the USA. Saudi Arabia is often perceived in the West as being a brutal dictatorship with a track record for public beheadings and stonings - it seems that their attitude to internet censorship is considerably more relaxed than this perception would imply.
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