10 Fascinating Facts About Twitter

6. Twitter Has The Most Active Users In China - Where It's Banned

With a population well in excess of 1 billion people, China is clearly the main candidate for the most number of twitter users on the planet, and with 35 million users it easily beats the rest of the competition. If Saudi Arabia has a reputation for human rights violations, the Chinese authorities have earned a similar reputation when it comes to censorship of the internet. Given that Twitter is blocked in China, how do its 35 million users get around the ban and somehow manage to use it so prolifically without getting caught? Many people use VPNs to jump over the "great firewall" set up by the authorities, while others use third party services which have been overlooked by the state. Only North Korea and Iran ban Twitter entirely in their countries, although over the years temporary bans have occurred in Egypt, Iraq, Turkey and Venezuela, most often, it seems, on account of its power to shape political revolutions...
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