10 Fascinating Facts About Alcohol You Didn't Know

3. Beer Helped To Build The Pyramids

The last remaining wonder of the world, the construction of the Ancient Egyptian pyramids has baffled archaeologists and engineers alike for generations. While today the consensus that they were built by slaves using a combination of ramps and pulleys is generally believed to be correct, there are still a number of finer details yet to be ironed out before we truly know how they were constructed. One aspect of their construction that historians are clear on, however, is the supply and distribution of beer to the countless slaves who toiled away dragging those huge blocks into position. Each slave was issued with some bread and a measure of beer daily - the higher the status of the worker, the more beer they were entitled to. The consumption of beer would have been a crucial component of their diet, avoiding the potential for poisoning found when drinking water. Ancient Egyptian culture celebrates alcohol on many levels of society so it's little surprise that the workers slaving away each day building one of the most awesome structures in human history were allowed to get in on the act, too. Looking at the end product, it sure looks like it was thirsty work.
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