10 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Masturbation

6. The Vibrator Was Invented To Cure Hysteria

Symptoms of hysteria included fainting, anxiety, fatigue, depression and emotional instability. So how were these symptoms treated? By female arousal of course. Doctors would make house calls to women who were suffering from hysteria and would treat this diagnosis by giving them a 'healing massage.' That's right, husbands would pay another man to pleasure their wives and that's because women were not supposed to enjoy sex or be sexual people. But sexual stimulation was only acceptable if there was a medical reason for it. Seems legit. Of course, not all doctors would use penetration as a way of making their clients orgasm and using their hands all of the time began to tire them out. In comes the vibrator. These magical devices were strictly kept in doctor's offices for medical purposes only, but then bigger companies started manufacturing them and began to sell them in very subtle advertising spots in women's magazines. Unfortunately, this treatment didn't actually cure the hysteria as clients kept on making repeat appointments with their doctors... Hysteria as a disease was eventually made obsolete in the 1950s.
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Jason Biggs
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com