10 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Masturbation

Half Way Bonus Fact

Ever wondered the story behind how one of your favourite cereals was invented? John Kellog invented Corn Flakes to try to prevent people from pleasuring themselves. He believed that masturbating was harmful to the body and to a person's psychological state, and thusly created the blandest food he could think of in order to put people off masturbating. Mr Kellog was a zealous anti-masturbation campaigner, but he was also extremely anti-sex; he never consummated his marriage with his wife. He also insisted that they slept in separate rooms and even went as far as adopting his children in order to avoid having sex. He believed that having any form of sex was bad for the mind, body and soul, but he thought that masturbation was even worse than having sex, or 'self pollution' as he called it. And there you have the story behind Corn Flakes. But surely their exceptionally bland taste would have wanted people to actually go out and live a little? If your life was all about eating dull food and not getting to play with your loved one or yourself, it's not exactly the best way to spend your time on earth, is it? How there wasn't riots...
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Jason Biggs
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com