10 Greatest #SochiFails Of The 2014 Winter Olympics

7. Stay Thirsty, Friends

If you survived your hotel check-in, and weren't immediately locked in a cupboard, or lost in a corridor to nowhere, you have probably worked up quite a thirst. What better way to quench that than with a delicous glass of water? Well, not in Sochi, where the water better resembled nuclear waste than water. One of the hottest Sochi topics has been the water quality: most guests reported the water as only running half the time and being a yellow-brown colour. Olympic athletes working up a sweat plus nuke water was never going to be a good combination, so we can only hope that the water available in the Athlete's Village was better. One hotel guest even reported that her water was not running so she inquired with the front desk as to how long it will be out. The hotels response was "the water will return at sometime, but when it does return, do not use it on your face because it contains something very dangerous." Well that's reassuring. Your only real choice is to snatch up on all the bottled water you can find, maybe trade some light-bulbs for it, as if you're part of a Mad Max style dystopian future.
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I am a young professional always looking for a laugh. I enjoy music, cars, guitars, and movies. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” -Dr. Suess.