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10 Grossest Things You Never Knew About Sleeping

3. Your Eyes Stop Working Properly

Joker Eyes
Warner Bros.

We'd like to call that crust and build up around your eyes 'eye boogers', but we're not that disgusting. What is disgusting though is the idea that your eyes stop working properly when you sleep. In other words, that's why you end up with a load of horrible goo around them when you wake up.

If you want to look like Jared Leto's portrayal of The Joker in Suicide Squad each morning, then this is actually quite handy. For everyone else, it's a constant annoyance. So, what is this stuff, and why does it appear? Well, it's a tasty combo of mucus, dust and skin cells, and it comes about because your eyes don't need to deal with it during sleep.

When you're awake, tears wash this crud away to prevent the distraction. Lovely. Time to buy a new mattress and minimise the risk then.

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