Theres no better place for a devil baby legend than New Orleans. The story goes that in the 1800s, a daughter from an affluent family married a wealthy man. The mans ex-lover was jealous and went to voodoo queen Marie Laveau for help. Laveau cursed the bride. The result of the curse was seen when the bride died in childbirth after delivering a grotesque being. People believed the baby to be the child of Satan himself. Laveau raised the child as her own and it is rumoured to be buried alongside her in Saint Louis Cemetery No. 1. The citizens of New Orleans were terrified of the devil baby, so they would carve their own out of gourds and use them as talismans to ward off the real one. In the 20th century, more doll-like renditions were created, will glass eyes and horns protruding from their foreheads. Though most were lost to time, artist Ricardo Pustanio got his hands on the last one and started recreating them. Bad luck seems to follow these dolls. Owners complain of them throwing things, moving throughout their houses and crying.