10 Heinous Projects That Remained Hidden In Classified Documents

4. Operation Acoustic Kitty

Operation Acoustic Kitty was a CIA project that was developed between 1961 and 1966, financed with twenty million dollars. The operation consisted of intercepting potentially dangerous conversations of Soviet agents with a cat.

Surgery was performed, implanting a microphone inside the cat's ear canal and an antenna in the tail.

In the first tests carried out, they realized that the cat was very often distracted looking for food, so they again subjected the cat to a new operation to nullify the sensation of appetite.

The cat acted for the first time in 1966, and after five years of training, was released near a building on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington D.C., where Soviet spies were housed.

The animal was hit by a taxi a few minutes after being released and died instantly. With the death of the cat, millions of dollars were lost that had been invested in the project for five years.

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