10 Hidden Details In Walt Disney World You Probably Didn’t Know

8. Liberty Square’s Staggering Authenticity

Liberty Square is the most historical place within the Walt Disney World remit, with imagineers striving to make the the land as authentic as possible. There are a few little trivia tidbits within the Liberty Square area including housing an actual Presidential Seal - in order to display the seal, a bill at congress had to be passed. To date is the only place in the world allowed to show the Presidential Seal outside the realms of the White House and the Hall of Presidents. There is also a replica Liberty bell made from the exact mould used to forge the original.

However, the real hidden detail in this land is if you are bursting for the toilet, it is probably best you rush your way through the square. The imagineers wanted a truly authentic experience within the colonial set so they decided not to install bathrooms - yes, seriously.

Just like in 18th century America, communities would store up their waste and dump it out into narrow trenches along the roadside. The imagineers wanted Liberty Square to be as realistic as possible, so they purposely omitted bathrooms and dug the defacto toilet trenches down the side of the walkways. The detail goes as far as the brown colour finish used for the trenches, but we wont going any further into that.

Don’t worry though, the nearest toilets are only a short walk away in Fantasyland.

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Gamer girl and all around sports enthusiast.