10 Hilariously Obvious Scam Emails (That You've Probably Been Sent)
9. Google+ Verification Survey
In a fairly standard variant of the traditional phishing scam, this email asks the recipient to 'confirm' their details for their Google+ account at a specific link. Often, this sort of scam will go under the pretense of being there to prevent fraud, because scammers apparently think that's a pretty clever thing to do. Compared to a lot of email scams, this one isn't too badly written (other than the ludicrously unbelievable premise). It has one fatal flaw though: literally nobody uses Google+. Example:
Sorry you are seeing this. We are doing a spam and fraudulent verification survey. Please its very important you participate in this survey to help us serve you better. Click here to help you perform this verification survey. The achievement of this survey is to track and shut down fraudulent user and phising domain to help improve and make your mailing system better. Please If a verification response is not gotten from you in the next 24 hours, we will assume you are a fraulent user and shut down your mail account, till after proper verification recovery before you can access you mail account again. Thanks.