10 Historical Facts They Don't Teach You At School

2. Einstein Forgot Where He Lived

Albert Einstein
Ferdinand Schmutzer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Mathematicians have looked up to Albert Einstein for decades, and his work as a theoretical physicist is the stuff of legend. He developed the theory of relativity, came up with perhaps the world's most famous equation and did it all being a guy who couldn't resist striking a little pose for the cameras.

On one occasion, Einstein's genius got in the way of his brain and turned him into an idiot who couldn't remember where he lived. No joke: he supposedly phoned his secretary one evening to ask his own address. When the well-meaning assistant refused to cooperate and give out such sensitive information, Albert admitted who he was.

That's actually amazing. Here was one of the brightest sparks the world of science has ever created, and he could barely remember what street he lived on. That happens to us all the time, but we have the excuse of coming home from the pub and don't have a 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics to brag about.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.