10 Horrifying Animal Facts You Really Don't Want To Know

1. Bedbugs Are The Most Horrifying Lovers, Ever

Even David Attenborough's cotton voice couldn't make this one sound any less terrifying. As if bedbugs weren't ghastly enough; feeding upon sleeping humans in the comfort of our own beds... their mating habits open up a whole new world of horror. "Traumatic insemination", as it's nauseatingly known as, is the reproductive act in which a male bedbug stabs the female's abdomen with his super-sharp penis; injecting his sperm through the wound directly into her abdominal cavity. It then diffuses to her ovaries, and voila - the disturbing mating ritual is complete. Not disturbing enough for you? In some cases, these bedbugs will attempt to mate with other males; piercing their abdomen with their reproductive spear. Maybe they're homosexual, maybe they're just stupid - but the violated males often die after being punctured, since they don't have the defensive cells that females do. Freaked out enough yet? Never leaving your home again? Let us know your own disturbing, weird or downright horrifying animal facts in the comments below!
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