10 Horrifying Things Nobody Tells You About Being The Boss

9. You Have To Feign Motivation. Always.

"I'm sure glad to be at work today," said nobody ever. Soon after becoming the boss, you will realize how much easier your job is when you have an efficient, high-morale workforce working for you. You will do anything within your power to keep that staff happy and productive. Maybe it's because you're a swell guy/gal€”but more likely, it's because efficient and high-quality results will reflect well on your performance as a leader. Whatever your endgame, the morale level should gauge somewhere along these lines: Seinfeld Happy Gif...just, you know, try to channel that energy into Microsoft Outlook. Keeping your staff happy means facing all project deadlines, obstacles, and inconveniences as a team. In leading that team, you must convey a positive attitude to your employees and superiors at all times. Whether it's the hottest beach day of the year or 10:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve, you have to walk into that building with a fat, stupid smile on your face. That smile must read: There is nothing I would rather be doing than serving this company right now€”even if it's the farthest thing from your mind. If you display any signs of reluctance or boredom, coworkers will sniff it out like hounds in heat. And if anyone catches wind that "even the boss doesn't want to be here," any remaining shards of productivity will cease to exist.
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The Office
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Catherine likes writing and crispy bacon. She humbly requests your craft beer recommendations.