10 Horror Podcasts Everyone Needs To Listen To

3. Limetown

The Left Right Game Podcast

Go and listen to Limetown.

With only six episodes in Season One, if you are in any way interested in a good story, horror or not, you have no reason to skip Limetown.

The general premise has you listening to the investigative reporter Lia Haddock’s (Annie-Sage Whitehurst) reports into the disappearance of over 300 people. Revealing any more than this would do Limetown a disservice, as the show needs to be experienced firs-hand.

Limetown has one of the best production values out there. It’s presentation is so good, it can trick you into thinking you are listening to a real audio documentary at times. If you're a fan of the popular podcast Serial, or The X-Files, you're guaranteed to enjoy Limetown, which is a perfect combination of these two premises.

Season Two was released recently, dividing fans, but if you are desperate for more Limetown after the all-too-short Season One listen, it’s there for you to give a shot. The same can be said for the Facebook Watch TV show, which stars Jessica Biel and Stanley Tucci.

Go on, give Limetown a listen, and then you can be the one smugly recommending it to the lucky ones still to experience its atmospheric delights.

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Local florist. Will watch any horror film not called The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, or The Human Centipede 3.