10 Horror Podcasts Everyone Needs To Listen To

2. Alice Isn't Dead

The Left Right Game Podcast

Another podcast from Joseph Fink, the creator of Welcome to Night Vale, only this time Fink offers up a more poignant tone than Night Vale.

The story follows the audio diaries of a truck driver, who makes her way across America in search of her missing wife, Alice. Along the way she encounters a whole host of oddities that wouldn’t be amiss to the kind found in Night Vale.

Partly born from Fink’s inspiration on his road trips across America for Night Vale live tours, what Alice Isn’t Dead achieves differently than Night Vale, is its love letter to travel. The podcast is littered with descriptions of the appeal of travel and how it makes you long for, and appreciate home.

The protagonist is voiced by Jasika Nicole, of Fringe and Welcome to Night Vale fame, who gives a wonderful performance full of heart and, when the mood shifts, fear.

Featuring lots of creepy ideas, including the spine-shivering Thistle Man, Alice Isn’t Dead is one of those surrealist, arty presentations that isn’t afraid to make fun of itself, and can build an incredible atmosphere when needed.

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Local florist. Will watch any horror film not called The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, or The Human Centipede 3.