10 Incredibly Clever Casino Scams That Actually Worked
8. Casino Identity Theft
One of the most lucrative casino scams of all time didn't depend on clever sleight of hand, sneaky gizmos or broken game systems. Instead, a duo known as the 'Roselli brothers' managed to pretend to be over fifty different people, building up a huge credit line with many of the largest casinos. To do this, they hired the talents of a computer hacker, who was able to break into credit data systems and steal the details of individuals with strong credit ratings. Over the course of six months, they used their own money to build a rapport with a number of casinos, before using the stolen details to gain credit lines of around $50,000 per identity. For five years, the Roselli brothers travelled from casino to casino, using offset bets to make it look like they were making big losses while paying their credit back to the casinos as quickly as possible. Eventually, the brothers were given credit lines that went up to a million dollars in some casinos, across around fifty different stolen identities. On the New Year's weekend of 2000, the brothers showed up in Las Vegas, announcing that they were going to start off the new millennium with a huge betting spree along the strip. They gathered chips from every casino that they had credit lines with, while making exorbitant bets in excess of $100,000 per hand in order to keep up appearances. Then, as quickly as they appeared, they were gone, with over $37 million in takings. Nobody even realised a scam had taken place until over half a year later, by which time the Rosellis (also assumed to be a stolen identity) had long since vanished.