10 Incredibly Creepy Unexplained Disappearances

7. Benjamin Bathurst

Granted, in the time before advanced investigatory technology, disappearances would always seem mysterious, but the case of British diplomatic envoy Benjamin Bathurst was particularly eerie. Bathurst, on a journey across Germany in 1809 under the alias of Baron de Koch, headed out to re-board his carriage one night, followed almost immediately by his companion, but never made it to his vehicle, having seemingly vanished within a few feet of his colleague. Bathurst's disappearance was made all the more interesting by the fact that although banditry was common at the time, the fact that a reward was offered for his return meant that hundreds of people came forward to claim the money, despite not knowing any information of use. His disappearance sparked a manhunt from his wife, accompanied by Prussian authorities, but the only evidence ever found of Bathurst was his pantaloons. The diplomat was most likely murdered, but the instant disappearance, practically in front of the man he was travelling with makes the event such an impressive example of sorcery if the simple explanation does not match what actually happened.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.