10 Incredibly Creepy Unexplained Disappearances

3. MV Joyita

Arguably the creepiest maritime mystery since the Mary Celeste, the case of the MV Joyita smells terrifically of a ghost ship story. In 1955, the ship, which had been at sea for roughly a month, was sighted over 600 miles west from her intended route, partially submerged and totally abandoned near Fiji. All that remained on board was a radio set to the International Distress Channel, although a fault meant it only had a reach of about 2 miles; an engine entirely covered by mattresses and a doctor's bag complete with bloodied bandages. If that's not disturbing enough, all the clocks on the boat were frozen at 10:25, and all the lifeboats were missing. So, presumably the crew just encountered some unspeakable Cthulhu beast and fled for safety, right? Well the trouble there is that lifeboats are designed to be spotted for rescue, and not a trace has ever been found of any of the four emergency vehicles from the ship. The only logical explanation appears to be that the Old One himself swallowed the crew, taking them back to his own hellish dimension.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.