10 Incredibly Creepy Unexplained Disappearances

4. Harold Holt

In 1967, Australia straight up lost their Prime Minister. Harold Holt had decided to go swimming at Cheviot Beach and completely disappeared, despite being described as a strong swimmer and having an incredible endurance underwater. The politician is presumed to have died in the strong currents at the bay, although his body has never been recovered. The fact that a country's leader can just vanish is a puzzling thought, and naturally a raft of conspiracy theories, extending from death by shark, through Soviet assassination, kidnapping by Chinese submarine and alien abduction, because all are far more interesting for those type of people than a genuine natural tragedy. More likely is that the strong waters that Holt should have recognised as too dangerous to swim simply swept him away, as friends reported seeing him in trouble. Holt had only been Prime Minister for 22 months when he disappeared.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.