10 Infamously Chilling Deaths And Disappearences

1. Zebb Quinn

Mysterious Stranger Fog

Zebb Quinn, an 18 year-old from North Carolina, disappeared mysteriously in January of 2000, leaving behind him an even more mysterious trail of breadcrumbs.

Around 9 P.M. on January 2nd, Quinn ended his shift at Wal-Mart, intending to travel with friend, Robert Owens, to look at a car Quinn wanted to purchase. At some point on the journey Quinn told Owens that he had received a page and needed to make a phone call. According to Owens, after returning from a payphone Quinn appeared “frantic” and sped off, even rear-ending Owens’ car in the process.

Two weeks later, Quinn’s car was found parked near the hospital where his mother worked. Inside the car, police discovered several curious items including: a jacket that did not belong to Quinn, a hotel key card, several bottles, and a live Labrador puppy. A pair of red lips had been pained on the back window.

Police investigation traced the page and phone call Zebb received to his aunt Ina Ulrich’s house. However, Ulrich claimed that she was not home at that time, and suspected that her house may have been broken into. Police entertained the idea that foul play was involved in Zebb Quinn’s disappearance. However, no explanation has ever been found for the bizarre nature of the evidence.

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Student and hopeful screenwriter. My attention span is very short.