10 Insane And Bizarre Theories About Stephen King

5. He Steals All His Work

King writes 3-4 hours per day and in his prime would manage 2000 €“ 3000 words a day. Some however believe in the mad theory that the author barely presses a key when it comes to creating his work and instead just steals work from others.

There have been cases against Stephen King and accusations of copyright theft, however to accuse the greatest horror writer of this generation of stealing content is offensive and this was made clear by one judge in particular. Author Chrstine Starobin appeared in court to accuse King of plagiarising her manuscript Blood Eternal; the judge ruled in favour of King and reprimanded Starobin for "engaging in a recurring and vitriolic attack upon the character and abilities of King."

The fact that aspiring film makers can purchase the rights to his short stories for just $1 also adds fuel to the rumour. All he asks is that a completed copy of the film is sent to him. Theorists believe the cheap price for the rights is due to him feeling guilty that the work was never truly his in the first place.

Most of the ghost-writing rumours are from those who are in complete disbelief that an author can write so quickly - especially when you consider that he completed the 304 page novel The Running Man in only ten days. Jealousy is a terrible thing.

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Long Island Little Lady. According to some blogging isn't a real job yet here I am... Contributor for TV; Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Fortitude. Nintendo Obsessed. Pop Queen. Offbeat fan. @elliotbleuth