10 Insane Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories

2. Beyonce Was Never Pregnant

A lot of the list so far has concerned people not existing, or not being who you think they are. But none of them have been babies - until now! 2012 saw the birth of Blue Ivy Carter, better known as the most powerful baby born into the world since God knocked up a carpenter's wife. Rumours abounded, however, that Ms Knowles wasn't the one who actually carried the baby to term, although she certainly looked like it. Ah, but that was all part of the subterfuge, you see! Using a complex system of fat suits and push-up bras, Beyonce had managed to give the illusion of being pregnant for the full nine months she spent in the media spotlight in the run up to the birth. And we've got proof! She sat down on a chat show and her belly went in a little, which babies never do! She was still performing during the early stages of the pregnancy, and it's well known that pregnant women can neither sing nor dance! When Ivy Blue was born the press were kept out of the hospital - what were they hiding? For the most part this theory seems to have sprung up due to confusion that Beyonce looked like Beyonce throughout her pregnancy, which probably owes to her riches and teams of make-up/hair/stylist people, which most mothers-to-be don't get. Theories as to why she'd want to fake a pregnancy have ranged from wanting to keep her figure and leaving the work to a surrogate, to the baby actually being the illegitimate offspring of her father/manager Mathew Knowles, to...well...
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/