10 Inventions That Are Either Utter Genius Or Utterly Insane

2. Anti-Theft Lunch Bags

Image9 Another idea which is very simple, totally effective and should definitely sell more than it does. Comprising simply of ordinary plastic food bags painted with images of mould and decay, you can now leave your sandwiches in the fridge at work without the office snack raider helping himself, or risk your much-coveted sausage rolls being pinched by your nearest and dearest at home. There is an obvious downside that people will probably start to whisper about your tardy hygiene after a while, but it's a small price to pay in my opinion.
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I am a freelance writer, currently residing in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. I was raised by wolves in the woodlands of Northumberland, but am still posher than Colin Firth having dinner with The Queen. I write all of my pieces by swallowing a cocktail of scrabble tiles and vodka, then regurgitating them over my jotter. Hope this explains the typos.