10 Inventions That Will Make Harry Potter A Reality

5. Magic Wands = Magic FREAKING Wands

Harry Potter Invisible Cloak
Warner Bros.

If you listen very carefully, you can hear the sound of all of the Harry Potter nerds' dreams coming true.

Yep, you can buy your very own working wand online for the low low price of £40. The wand is more than just a toy, you can use it to control the various gadgets in your home.

The Wand Co.’s Kymera wand uses infrared technology, exactly like that found in your TV remote control. It can be programmed with up to 13 different commands that are activated by a variety of gestures and arm movements.

Any button on a remote control can be programmed into the wand. This not only means that you can look like a badass by casually the TV channel with it, but you could potentially programme it to work on anything with a remote control.

Imagine arriving home and opening your automatic garage door with a casual flick of your wand. Extra points if you are seen by a young child. 

If this happens then you have to tuck the wand away and wink, leaving them wide-eyed and utterly convinced that you are, indeed, a wizard.

Which, of course, you are. You've got a wand after all.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.