10 Joe Rogan Experience Guests Who Have Died

8. Ralphie May (1972 - 2017)

Ralphie May was one of the most popular comedians in America. His early death at the age of 45 was a blow to the US comedy scene, but sadly it wasn't too surprising.

Unless you're a total savage like Joe Rogan, life on the road doesn't lend itself to a regimented routine of healthy eating and exercise. To hear most comedians tell it, it's a daily cycle of sleeping in, ordering sh*tty room service, chugging one too many drinks after a show, and shovelling as many free chicken wings or substances into ones body as possible.

For Ralphie May it wasn't the lures of the constant party that did him in; his vice was food. He didn't shy away from his weight issues, though, as it was a prominent reference point for his observational style of comedy.

May had ongoing health issues related to his weight and experienced several bouts of pneumonia. He died from a cardiac arrest in 2017, hours after his final show in Las Vegas.

He was another comedian well respected by others, and from the stories it's clear he was one of the most generous guys in the business.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.