10 Life Lessons You Should Learn From The Joker

5. Women Love Aloof And Indifferent Men

Comic fans know this story well. A young and motivated intern at Arkham Asylum, Dr. Harleen Quinzel was determined to make a name for herself by curing the Joker of his insanity. However, through The Joker€™s manipulation, Quinzel begins to believe that he is just misunderstood and falls madly in love with him. One night, she breaks into a costume store, dons her trademark jester outfit, and busts her man out of confinement. Afterwards, the pair live out their lives happily ever after. Or do they? The relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn is not an ideal one. If you're familiar with their relationship it is quite clear that Harley is absolutely in love with her €œPuddin€™€ while he (most of the time) treats her with complete indifference. Yet female comic book fans everywhere tend to glorify their union faithfully. You see, when someone is making him or herself inaccessible emotionally or physically, he or she is triggering the "fear of rejection" in another person. A person who has this fear will "stop" the rejection by drawing closer to the person who is triggering this emotion inside of them. This is probably not the greatest life lesson Mr. J has ever taught us but it's still one that's quite relevant and sadly rings at least somewhat true.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com