10 Manliest Things You Can Do In Life

5. Ride A Great White Shark

This chapter was originally going to be 'ride a bull', but after a breakfast conversation with some friends, one said to me "Anyone can ride a bull - my nan could ride a bull, how about.... ride a great white shark." My first instinct was to challenge said nan to a bull-riding contest, but in lieu of a lawsuit and a new hip, I decided it would be a lot harder - and manlier - to ride a shark. Firstly you'd have to somehow catch the shark, or well time your lasso - obviously you're not going to use a saddle, that would be ridiculous - then subdue the shark with well executed punches to the nose. If you manage that without losing a limb, you may then straddle the great white and steer it to the nearest dock. Obviously that step-by-step guide isn't as in depth as it could be, but for some strange reason I couldn't find many aquatic rodeos to help with careful research. They must be weary of the pitfalls of fame, I can't think of any other explanation.

I'm a 26 year old Welsh psychology graduate working in PR & Journalism. I enjoy writing, films, TV, games, sport, philosophy, psychology and mixing them all together. I occupy time and cyberspace on twitter @simcolluk