10 Mind-Blowing Facts About Che Guevara

8. He Was A Fully Qualified Medical Doctor

It defies no expectations that Che Guevara was an intelligent and educated man. However, it may come as a surprise to many that Che was actually a qualified doctor. Having attended the University of Buenos Aires, Che studied medicine and gradually moved to Mexico City in 1954. During this time, Che worked with the General Hospital's allergy department and frequently gave medicine lectures at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Having become increasingly concerned with the existing poverty, in close proximity and beyond, Che was obsessively invested in helping others escape the symptoms of poverty. Che's first wife, Hilda, frequently remarks the growing obsessive nature of his medical work, viewing his patients as 'representatives of the forgotten and exploited classes'. Accordingly, Che's passion for equality and socialism was transferable into most aspects of his life - seeing poverty, exploitation and the destructive nature of capitalism in everything he did, feeling it was his calling to remedy it.
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Che Guevara
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Writer, day-dreamer, dragon rider.