10 Mind Blowing Phobias You Haven't Heard Of

1. PhobophobiaFear Gif If ever there was a phobia not to have, the fear of fears, phobia of phobias, is a vicious cycle that is difficult to get out of. Phobophobia is an unrealistic and persistent fear of the sensations of being afraid, and of that fear being uncontrollable. A phobophobic person is afraid of experiencing another phobia before they have been exposed to a stimulus that might lead to their fear. Additionally, when a person who is phobic of something experiences that stimulus, resulting in fear, and that person is also afraid of being afraid, it can result in the anxiety being amplified. The origin of the phobia in phobophobics can develop from the very experience of being afraid of other stimuli. The anxiety and panic experienced when a person is afraid of something can be enough to trigger a fear of this sensation in the future. Phobophobia is an interesting phobia, because unlike most other phobias it is not triggered by external situations, but by internal feelings and emotions of panic. Phobophobia can also lead to other phobias being maintained for longer, making them harder to deal with through therapy and eliminate from a phobic person€™s life. As long as you aren't also afraid of vicious cycles of emotions, you might just about be okay. Presuming you aren't afraid of lists (listophobia, anyone?), we expect you made it to the end and learnt about some weird phobias you might not have known existed. So, what are you irrationally, cripplingly afraid of?

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