10 Most Compelling Suspects In The D.B. Cooper Hijacking

5. Walter R. Reca

D B Cooper Dan Cooper
Principia Media

Throughout the years since the event, numerous people have confessed to being D.B. Cooper, with the most elaborate of all these being Walter R. Reca. Walter recorded extensive phone calls with his friend Carl Laurin in the years before his death where he confessed to being Cooper and instructed Laurin to release his confession after his death.

Reca was another former military operative with extensive parachuting experience who, during the course of several recorded phone calls, recounted the supposed details of the hijacking down to the tiniest detail. He claimed to have successfully landed and found his way to a nearby truck stop before a receiving a lift and escaping.

Walter R. Reca's account has since been heavily disputed, as he did not resemble Cooper according to any of the sketches. He also seemingly landed way too far away from Cooper's suspected drop zone according to the plane's flight path.

As a result of these discrepancies, the FBI did not add Reca to their suspect list due to a lack of concrete and substantial evidence that could link him to the crime.

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