10 Most Compelling Suspects In The D.B. Cooper Hijacking

4. Barbara Dayton

D B Cooper Dan Cooper

Another suspect with a grudge in the D.B. Cooper hijacking is Barbara Dayton, who after serving in World War II tried unsuccessfully for years to obtain a commercial pilot's license. She then potentially committed the ultimate skyjacking to hit back at the unfair rules of the airline industry.

In order to get away with this crime, Dayton came up with perhaps the ultimate disguise. Having transitioned in 1969, she decided that she would present as male and masculine in order to fool the FBI. After committing the skyjacking, she would have resumed her normal life as a woman and thus was never put forward as a potential subject. She confessed to the offence several times in her life, and even went as far as to claim the location where she had hidden the money.

Barb recanted the story later on as she discovered she could still be prosecuted for the event. D.B. Cooper, in the series of events aboard the plane, claimed to have a bomb in his suitcase. Barbara Dayton also just happened to be an explosive expert, which also links her to the infamous heist.

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Hey everyone, my name is Ruby, a geeky as anything trans girl passionate about music, film and science fiction.