10 Most Dangerous Creatures On Earth

4. Marbled Cone Snail

Komodo Dragon
Public Domain [Wikimedia Commons]

The marbled cone snail may look innocent enough with its highly distinguished, almost leopard-like shell, but beneath the colourful exterior is nature’s chemistry set. The snail has the ability to produce an array of amino based toxins meaning each and every venomous sting can inject a completely different toxic-cocktail.

This little terror is only 3-5 inches long, but can have poisonous barbs hidden away that can extend up to three feet long tucked away inside of the shell. Acting like a harpoon gun, each toxic stinger is single use and must be discarded after use, with the snail ‘reloading’ a new barb – how hypodermic.

Once injected, the amino based conotoxins will effectively block the synapses between muscles and organs, creating a state of paralysis. Depending on which toxins have been produced, they can shut down the respiratory, heart or muscles channels, or a mixture of all the aforementioned.

This little creature shows that you don’t have to be ‘the biggest fish’ in the sea to be feared.

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Gamer girl and all around sports enthusiast.