10 Most Epic Beards In WWE Today

8. Curtis Axel

Edge WWE SmackDown

Curtis Axel doesn't appear on too many top 10 lists these days, but when it comes to face furniture he has more than earned his place among the elite. Who would of thought it possible the offspring of silky smooth-faced Mr Perfect would become a beard barometer for aspiring 'tache aficionados everywhere?

Axel deserves respect for relentless dedication and resolve. He has been part of the WWE roster for a decade now and despite reaching little to no critical acclaim, has kept his position where others have fallen. Whilst not being spectacular, he delivers what is required of him when called upon and always looks the part, just like his bushy beard that has remained a dependable and undeviating figure throughout his tenure in the company.

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Joe Cuffaro is a Sports Journalist and x6 time Staffs University Hardcore Champion. He is a WWE and Newcastle United enthusiast, which explains why most of his views are pessimistic.