10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones In The World

8. Vertu Signature Touch - $10,300

If there's one phone on this list that I'd actually consider buying if I was filthy rich, it's this one. Vertu is a British manufacturer that specialises in luxury handsets. Lizard skin, calf hide and alligator skin are the order of the day here, with the phone's 4.7-inch display surrounded by a brushed titanium frame. The Signature Touch is a legitimately sexy phone, and it has plenty of flourishes that emanate luxury. It has ringtones recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra (which is no DJ Ravin, but we'll settle), each handset is assembled by an individual human being whose name is etched onto the little SIM card door, and the front-facing stereo speakers are made by Bang and Olufsen. The key feature of the Signature Touch, however, is the 'Dedicated Concierge'. This doesn't mean that when you wake up the following morning you'll have a guy wearing one of those red-and-black suits with gold buttons sitting in your front room, handing over your post and evoking strange feelings of sexual ambivalence in you. No, Concierge is an app that lets you contact a 24/7 lifestyle assistant, who can book you tables at members-only clubs, Formula 1 races, and mysterious 'Money Can't Buy' events - which presumably cost a lot of money.
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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.