10 Most Unnerving Short Horror Stories On The Internet

8. Bongcheon-Dong Ghost

Bongcheon Dong Ghost 2

A list of the most unnerving short horror stories on the internet would be incomplete without a web comic, and this one is quite the doozy.

'Bongcheon-Dong Ghost' tells a story everyone knows. Girl walks home alone at night, sees something creepy, and things don't end too well. Narratively this web comic doesn't differ from the familiar ground, it's how the narrative is packaged however where it shines.

There are two ways to go about reading this comic: with or without flash player on. Without it, this reads as a normal, relatively tame scary story. Turn it on though, and the experiences changes entirely.

It reads much like a picture book, as in, you don't really have to read it. The visuals will tell you everything you need to know. While there is a sound that plays, it's not a sudden jump-scare or a loud noise, but turning down the volume might still be advised. Either way, the comic takes advantage of both your monitor and your headphones. So, turning the sound down will only do so much to lessen the scares.

What could easily come across as a cheap gimmick somehow manages to instead be a memorable heart-stopper you'll want to share with your friends. This is truly a horror story for the digital age.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.