10 Most Unnerving Short Horror Stories On The Internet

2. Dear David

Bongcheon Dong Ghost 2

'Dear David' might not be the first thing that pops into your mind when it comes to the many horrors of Twitter, but it's about to be.

Much like 'Bongcheon-Dong Ghost', 'Dear David' is a horror yarn that could only work in the internet age. In 2017 Twitter user Adam Ellis began documenting a haunting in his apartment by a deformed ghost baby providing regular updates for around a year in a single Twitter thread.

It took a the online horror community by storm. Every new terrifying update just lead to more new questions. Who is David? What does he want? Will someone please call the Ghost Adventures crew? Ellis is a genius in the way he grabbed his follower's attention and never let go.

The only bad thing about 'Dear David' isn't the story itself, but the reaction to it. It seemed to go in and out of the public consciousness in no time, which is sad considering how huge of a splash it made.

A film adaption is in production which, as awesome as it could be, just can't capture that urgent "of the moment" feel of the original Twitter thread. It's the immediacy of it all that makes 'Dear David" what it is, as there could be another update at any point. Even if nothing new comes from it, the fact that it exists to begin with is equal parts awe-inspiring and spine-tingling.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.