10 Must Have Gadgets Coming Out In The Next Year

9. Rolto iPhone Printer

This little device is already available in Japan and China and is poised to make waves in the west in the next year or so. Apple introduced AirPrint to iOS a few years ago and since then there has been a bevy of network ready printers which have allowed users to print a document from their phone with a few taps of the screen, but the Rolto does things slightly differently. The concept behind it is that it will print directly from the iPhone screen, showing everything that is available to see, in the same aspect ratio and the same format as whatever you happen to be looking at. Factor in that the printer is portable and can be carried in a bag meaning you can literally print from anywhere you happen to find yourself. Try doing that with your run of the mill Epson. The Rolto prints to long roll paper in the same way a credit card machine or cash register prints, meaning that for small businesses, receipts can be printed directly from the phone, card transactions can be recorded, invoices can be documented on paper all with a handful of taps.
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I am a man of many interests. I am a passionate gamer, running my own YouTube channel (The Gadget Addicts) showing off the best of modern gaming in the form of Let's Play videos. I am an ardent musician, having been a guitarist for the past 13 years. I am also a massive geek, I adore science fiction and fantasy films and TV shows and am trying to work up the courage to start writing a novel. If I can ever think of a good story to tell... I live with my wife in the North East of England and own a belligerent little black cat.