10 "Next Big Things" To Expect In The Future

3. Holidays To Space

Humans have a tendency to get bored significantly easily, but one thing that absorbs and intrigues us more than any other is space. Screw Spain, for the ultimate holiday bragging rights we want to spend a week floating weightlessly in low Earth orbit. What's cool is the fact the trips will be comparatively cheap compared to that of say, a full-on excursion to Mars. We say "cheap"; a flight into low Earth orbit will cost you $100,000. With only seven self-funded space tourists ever having shot into space, there's a long list of millionaires waiting; Lady Gaga being one of them. As technology advances, though, prices for tickets will decrease, and the next big challenge is designing a resort in space. Architects are already working on plans for a space resort which will be a cross between a theme park and a cruise ship, as well as exploring ways to build structures on the moon with 3D printers. So will anti-gravity holiday packages be a thing in the future? Watch this, erm, space.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell