10 Obscure Conspiracy Theories You've Never Heard Of

3. The British Red Cross Are Stealing Your Blood

Nic Cage Alien

The British Red Cross charity has been helping millions and millions of people since 1870. The best thing about the Red Cross is its commitment to helping people regardless of ethnic origin, religion, nationality, and political belief. The British Red Cross really is a good egg.

Or is it...

Rumour has it that the Red Cross isn't actually helping anybody at all. Some have suggested that the blood that is donated to the Red Cross is then sold off to cooperate organizations and dodgy individuals. To make things even worse, the Red Cross has also been linked to the Illuminati.

The story goes that the Illuminati regularly buy blood from the Red Cross to use for their satanic practices. Apparently, human blood works a whole lot better...


Kristy Law hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.