10 Obscure Conspiracy Theories You've Never Heard Of

2. Finland Is Fake

Nic Cage Alien
Wikimedia Commons

Did you know that Finland doesn't actually exist? No? Neither did we.

Apparently, Finland is actually a manufactured landmass created by the Japanese and the Soviet Union. This means that Finland has never existed. Helsinki is just a made up place. And the Finnish language is actually one big pile of nonsense.

Furthermore, Finnish people also don't exist. The people that live in Finland are actually Estonian, Sweden and Russian and were moved there from their respective countries to make the country seem to real.

Why you might ask? Well, the Japanese and the Soviet Union decided to create Finland as a means of securing fishing rights in the Baltic Sea.

Think about it... it's called FINland. It's been staring us in the face this whole time!


Kristy Law hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.