10 Obscure Sci-Fi/Fantasy Novels That You Need To Read

7. The Burning World – Isaac Marion

Solaris Cover

Those of you who are eagle eyed or just plain zombie obsessed would recognise the author as the creator of the 2011 smash hit Warm Bodies. What made the first book so popular wasn’t just the revolutionary concept of zombies in zombie-fiction actually finding the possibility of a cure, nor was it the complex and turbulent romance between R and Julie (hands up those of us who didn’t see the Shakespeare reference until way too late) but it was Marion’s fantastic use of prose that really made it stand out.

The Burning World takes all of these elements, dials them up to eleven and even has the balls to add in a complex, Umbrella Corporation style narrative that questions how the zombie outbreak even began in the first place and what R’s connection to it all might be.

Sadly, due to extremely poor marketing, this title completely flopped in sales worldwide and Marion was dropped by his publishers who blamed his writing for the book’s less than ideal performance. He was never able to release the third and final installment The Living to the masses, though it is possible for you to order a copy from his personal website. They even throw in a free copy of the eBook, so go and support a fellow struggling writer!

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Just your average, everyday favourite transgender writer. You can find me talking about books and graphic novels for hours on end. I was raised on Doctor Who, so eccentric isn't even the word to describe me...