10 Old Wives' Tales You Shouldn't Believe

8. Sugar Makes Children Hyperactive

You know that feeling you get when grandpa surprises your two-year-old with a big ice cream? Of course, the little one is ecstatic, but you€™re secretly cursing under your breath because you€™re almost 100% sure that it means you€™re going to have a long night ahead of you. Yet, scientists seem to disagree with you and give grandpa the OK when it comes to the sugar-filled treat. Why? Because sugar doesn€™t lead to hyperactivity in children! According to a study done in 1994, sugar doesn€™t affect a child€™s behaviour. However, it does change the attitude of the child's parents. Parents (especially mothers) tend to watch their children more and scrutinize their behaviour after having a sugary treat. They noted that the children are suddenly hyperactive €“ even if the child had had a placebo treat.
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