10 Old Wives' Tales You Shouldn't Believe

6. Chocolate Causes Acne

Remember when you were a teenager? Everything would cause a break out! To make matters worse, whenever you were faced with an opinionated older person they would remark on how you need to lay low on the chocolate. After all, €œChocolate causes acne€. How do they come to this conclusion? Well, spots are formed when pores are clogged with an oily substance that is produced from glands within the skin called sebum. The bacteria from the sebum accumulate and a red lump is formed, causing a pimple. It is believed that chocolate increases the level of soluble fat in the bloodstream, which increases production of sebum and cause acne, but there is no evidence of this and scientists have yet to prove that chocolate, sweets or any unhealthy eating habits are the reason for acne or any other skin problems.
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