10 Old Wives' Tales You Shouldn't Believe

5. Carrots Improve Your Vision

Have you ever wondered why a rabbit€™s eyesight isn€™t better than a hawk€™s? Isn€™t it supposed to be? Hell, Bugs Bunny should be the mascot for every optometry practice in the world, but he isn€™t €“ why is that? Because after all these years, carrots giving you better eyesight has been a misconception and probably the best lie ever told. They are good for your overall eye health, but they don€™t improve your vision. The myth was made famous by fighter-pilot John €œCat Eyes€ Cunningham in 1940 during the Battle of Britain. He and his fellow pilots were known for flying well at night and in the British newspapers they credited their exceptional eyesight to carrots. Of course carrots had nothing to do with it. The whole thing was a ploy to keep the Germans from finding out that the British were using radar. Yet people fell for it, growing and eating carrots by the millions, purely because they believed it would help them during the frequent blackouts of WWII.
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