10 Problems Only Graphic And Web Designers Will Understand

9. Why Wish You, To Become Designer?

If you show an aptitude for design, you may apply to universities or trade schools in order to learn the craft. Unless you have a nest egg, a rich relative or some other benefits coming to you, expect to rack up a fair-sized bill. Post graduation, you know everything there is to know about design. That should last you a few weeks, maybe even a year. But the rapid advances in hardware and software don€™t stop coming. Every update to your chosen graphics software means new tools you have to learn how to use. Every new phone, tablet or laptop manipulates your end product in different ways, meaning you have to adapt to those ways or starve. If you€™re lucky, a firm that pays for your continuing education hires you on. If you are freelancing it, then you€™re on the hook for your own schooling. The good news is that updated training is readily available. The bad news is that it€™s rarely free; and if it is, you have to search long and hard for it.
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Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.